Healthy Church Articles

Two Phantom Words

Did you know there are two words that is used in church life all the time which are never used in the Bible? No, it's not like names of our church programs such as Men's Ministry, small groups etc. it is much more significant than that.

They are actually two of the key things every Church must focus on. There are five main elements to concern yourself with in a church of any size. And all of these components must be woven together in a seamless whole.

Small Group Energy Development Checklist

When you are stumped about why your small groups are not flourishing you need to change something up. What in the following list are the items you need to change because you won’t get fresh energy by staying the same.

Getting Others to "Buy In"

More good plans in church have failed for lack of ownership than any other reason. There is an old adage that says, "People get down on what they are not up on." When others understand, they often agree. Therefore it is of utmost importance that you pursue agreement as a primary value.

If you simply tell others about your priorities they are likely to treat the ideas with about as much interest as "National Smile Week". They may not fight you but neither will they "get on board" with a sense of mission.