A Complete Web-Based Ministry Planning System

    A unique set of powerful ministry tools to help you articulate your ministry philosophy, set priorities, and implement programs that meet your ministry objectives.

    Reports include these statistical measurements and more:

    • Step 1 - Personality: Defining Our Identity
    • Step 2 - Perspective: Determining Our Health
    • Step 3 - Planning: Pursuing Our Priorities
    • Step 4 - Performance: Implementing Our Vision
    Learn More

    Customized "Idea-Banks"

    "I never imagined anyone could get so much in one package and still leave all the room I needed to make it my own."

    • Church Model Statements
    • Motto Statements
    • Survey Questions
    • Analysis Questions
    • Objective Statements
    • Ministry Projects
    Learn More

    Denominational or Group Analysis

    Assess your denomination or group's overall effectiveness.

    • Search and Sort Church Profile Data
      City, Small Group Attendance, Annual Offerings, etc.
    • Healthy Church Survey Aggregate Reports
      Your Churches' Views and Perceptions
    • Statistics Aggregate Reports
      Your Churches' Ratios and Measurements
    Learn More

    Single or Multi-Church Consultation Reports

    Create comparative analysis reports for up to ten churches working together to find effective solutions.

    Reports include these statistical measurements and more:

    • Vision: Cultural Relevance, Org Chart, Strategic Plan
    • Worship: Attendance, First Time Visitors, Contributions
    • Fellowship: Ministry Teams, Care Receivers, Programs Tracked
    • Discipleship: Baptisms, Testimony Preparations, Small Groups
    • Outreach: Conversions, Outreach Lists, Events and Budget
    • Serving: Volunteers, Ministry Roles, Training Participation, Gift Analysis
    Learn More

    Theological Education

    Healthy Church strategic planning tools are available and free to theological institutions for all pastoral students in a modular or core curriculum course in their last two years of education.

    Implementation Options:

    • 3-Day Workshop
    • On-Campus Modular Course
    • On-Campus Core Curriculum (Integrated)
    Learn More

    Healthy Church Independent Tools

    Healthy Church tools can be used independently outside the Healthy Church planning process, allowing the tools to be used for a specific purpose.

    • Define Church Model
    • Healthy Church Survey
    • Tracking Statistics
    • Healthy Church Projects
    • Executive Leadership Surveys
    • Healthy Church Advisor
    Learn More


    As you estimate the total investment (money, time and effort) your church makes, what balance represents your ministry?

    • Much more investment in evangelism than discipleship 0% (0%)
    • Somewhat more investment in evangelism than discipleship 27% (27%)
    • Somewhat more investment in discipleship than evangelism 36% (36%)
    • Much more investment in discipleship than evangelism 36% (36%)

    The following describes our church vision.

    • MULTI-SITE. Our church is intentional about expanding its ministry to more than one location. 40% (40%)
    • SINGLE SITE. Our church Intends to maximize the use of our campus relocating as necessary if the property becomes too small. 20% (20%)
    • SINGLE SITE / CHURCH PLANTING. We believe the church must multiple itself by starting independent churches. 40% (40%)

    Healthy Church Ministry Articles

    Two Phantom Words

    Did you know there are two words that is used in church life all the time which are never used in the Bible? No, it's not like names of our church programs such as Men's Ministry, small groups etc. it is much more significant than that.

    They are actually two of the key things every Church must focus on. There are five main elements to concern yourself with in a church of any size. And all of these components must be woven together in a seamless whole.

    Getting Others to "Buy In"

    More good plans in church have failed for lack of ownership than any other reason. There is an old adage that says, "People get down on what they are not up on." When others understand, they often agree. Therefore it is of utmost importance that you pursue agreement as a primary value.

    If you simply tell others about your priorities they are likely to treat the ideas with about as much interest as "National Smile Week". They may not fight you but neither will they "get on board" with a sense of mission.